Water, (charity: water) Everywhere. . .

Like so many other resources, we often take water for granted. It's there from the tap, in the water cooler, at the drinking fountain. But most of the water in the world is not safe to just drink. And nasties like candida and giardia don't care about age, race, class, income, or geography.

The funny thing is, conversation can ward off the sicknesses and diseases from unclean water in developing regions. I can hear you now "What can conversation do about dirty water?"

First off, no problems of this scale are solved by one person so conversation is needed to raise awareness.

Secondly, a bunch of us got together and wrote a book on conversation and it's impact in our 21st century world. You may have heard of it: The Age of Conversation 3: It’s Time to Get Busy. All the profits from AoC3 are going to fund clean water in developing regions.

Here's the scoop straight from the Age of Conversation blog:

The Age of Conversation Official Charity – charity: water

The first piece of news is to confirm that the charity that benefits from each and every sale of each and every book, is charity: water. charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations directly fund water projects.

Amazingly, just $20 can give one person clean water for 20 years. An average water project costs $5,000 and can serve 250 people with clean, safe water – so purchasing a copy of the Age of Conversation 3 really can make a difference to someone’s life!

So, here's where you get to join the conversation, get busy, and clean up some water across the globe.

  1. Buy a copy of Age of Conversation 3 for each of your customers – they’ll love it and they’ll love you:
  2. Make an additional donation at our charity: water page
  3. Insert the Blog Action Day widget on your blog
  4. Tweet and retweet about the #aoc3 project.
  5. Share a link and "like" The Age of Conversation on Facebook.
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And, yes, those links to Amazon generate some affiliate commissions -- they are going to charity: water too!

Pick up a few copies, drink a glass of clean water thankfully, and feel good about making a difference!