Even NLP Training can't make resources infinite
I recently realized that I am limited -- as we all are. The interesting part of this realization is that it was specifically in relation to quality in packaging my information. Our lovely friends (including the horses) at Shily's Promise Youth Ranch prompted this thought when I realized that their volunteers could really use the information I've been producing. The trouble, as I see it, is that as much as we'd like to reject it a book is judged by it's cover and similarly my audios would need to be edited and packaged well to be received in the way intended.
I've been running a "beta test" of an NLP Training home study course for a few Space Monkeys with the unedited audios as I recorded them. The feedback I've been getting on the content has all been positive. So I'm ready to ramp up this endeavor and I finally recognized that while I can do it all, I can't do it all in a reasonable time frame. This is where you come in -- I need help to be able to equip volunteers with more positive communication skills so that the kids benefit even more from the outreach program at places like SPYR.
Why I am doing this NLP Training for Volunteers project
My purpose in life is to "Change the world from the inside out" and what better way than to support our disadvantaged and at-risk youth. I have the honor of supporting two outreach programs locally that work with kids: Shily’s Promise Youth Ranch (SPYR) and I Believe I Can (IBIC). Both of these programs enable youth and their families to connect with their own strengths.
One of the struggles of these sorts of outreach programs is recruiting skilled volunteers. I have a cunning plan to help with both quantity and quality of volunteers — and therefore the quality of interaction with the kids — for these outreach programs and beyond.
Here's where you help
Go fund the project, join us as an editor/artist, and tell others about the project.
It's all there at the NLP Training for Volunteers page over at IndieGoGo -- including the perks for funding this gift to at-risk youth (as if the warm fuzzy feeling wasn't enough!).
Now, go out there and do your part to bring this NLP Training to volunteers and the kids they serve!
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